Marine turtles are integral components of marine ecosystems in the Arabian region, and a conservation priority of national and regional conservation programmes, as their populations are globally under threat. Even though Green turtles (Chelonia mydas) are the most abundant sea turtle species in this region, a small number of protected areas exist which encompass different life stages of this endangered species, with most of them being spatially limited due to the lack of knowledge on turtle habitat use.

The Gulf Green Turtle Project aims to fill this gap by deciphering the migration paths of green sea turtles, and identifying the linkages between foraging and nesting populations within the important Gulf biogeographic region. The information will inform managers of critical in–water habitats utilised by Arabian turtles, allow them to aim concerted conservation activities, including fishery regulation where applicable, to preserve turtles through all phases of their live cycle.

This project is possible thanks to the collaboration of local and regional partners:

Emirates Nature is greatly thankful with all our partners for their endorsement and valuable contribution on the implementation of activities for The Gulf Green Turtle Project.


Scientific Advisor

The Marine Research Foundation (MRF)

Strategic Partners

In the UAE:

Ministry of Climate Change and Environment (MOCCAE)


Environment Agency of Abu Dhabi (EAD)


Environment Protection and Development Authority of Ras Al Khaimah (EPDA)


In Oman:

Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs (MECA)