The Marine Research Foundation provides specialist advisory services in relation to the management of marine turtles of the Gladstone region, as part of the Long Term Turtle Management Plan, on behalf Eco Logical Australia and the LNG proponents Queensland Curtis LNG (QGC), Australia Pacific LNG (APLNG) and Santos GLNG (GLNG). This work ensures that the aims and objectives of the long term management plan are met and conform to the regulations stipulated in Ministerial Conditions set forth by the State and Commonwealth governments of Australia. MRF’s involvement in the project involves reviews of progress and major deliverables on the Project to date; provision of scientific direction on future marine turtle monitoring tasks; assistance in resolving complex management issues or identifying alternative approaches to those used currently, and technical reviews of Project deliverables prepared by ELA or other sub-consultants, prior to submission to LNG Proponents and/or the Department of the Environment and Energy.
Photo credit: Renee Whitchurch, ELA (loggerhead nesting on Curtis Island)