The marine benthos inspection component of a Biodiversity Impact Assessment was undertaken by MRF on behalf of Chemsain Konsultant Sdn Bhd for the Kebabangan – ERB West Pipeline Project commissioned by Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd.
MRF’s scope of work included conducting a qualitative survey on the coral reefs along the proposed pipeline corridor; identifying potential environmental impacts of the proposed pipeline installation; and evaluating the positive and negative environmental impacts from the project and providing recommendations of mitigation measures if necessary.
The project entailed the use of an Eprons RB Mini 600 ROV to inspect sites of interest following an analysis of sidescan sonar data provided by the client. The ROV contains a full 1080 HD camera, horizontal sonar, a wide angle black and white standard definition camera, 6 x 1.5Kg thrusters, 4 x 700 lumen lamps and a 50cm manipulator arm. It is deployed with 300m of umbilical cable giving it a range of ~200m at the depths required for this survey.
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