MRF was contracted by DHI Water & Environment (M) Sdn Bhd to provide marine turtle expertise for the proposed development of the Kuala Linggi International Port and Reclamation at Kuala Linggi, Malacca.
The Linggi project is located at the northern shoreline of the State of Malacca near the rivermouth of Sg. Linggi. The reclamation will cover a total area of 620 ac and has a total length of 3.8 km, along the shore, with a maximum width of 2.55 km, towards the sea. At its nearest point, the reclamation lies approximately 300 m from the shoreline. The final reclamation area and conceptual layout of the project components will be finalized during the DEIA process once further data is available on the geotechnical conditions and the impacts of the development on the environment have been assessed; therefore these figures may change.
MRF’s scope of works for the Linggi DEIA include Interviews with relevant stakeholders; a desktop review of existing literature and analysis of current turtle nesting, foraging, migration and use of waters and beaches in the vicinity of the Linggi project; an assessment of the conservation status of sea turtles along the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia; a site visit to assess the condition of nesting beaches in the vicinity of the project; an assessment of the conservation status of nesting beaches in Malacca within 5km of the project site, which may be impacted by the proposed development; a detailed determination of project activities and predicted incremental vessel movements which could impact sea turtles, via interviews with project proponent engineers and design team; and an assessment of individual project activities (dredging, piling, sediment disposal, long term hydrodynamic models and impacts to shoreline shape and sediment characteristics, among others) along with a determination of life stage and population proportion which could be potentially impacted by the proposed project.