MRF was contracted by Chemsain (B) Sdn Bhd to provide marine inspection and video expertise for the Environmental Baseline Study for the Rapong Exploration Drilling Campaign at Block A, Offshore Brunei Darussalam commissioned by Shell Deepwater Borneo.

Sea floor characteristics and marine organisms inhabiting these areas were assessed by conducting 15-30 minute investigational dives using a small robust Eprons RB Mini 600 ROV. Each video deployment was numbered and recorded in electronic format for subsequent analysis, and the position and time at the start and end of each deployment were logged. Survey dives were planned to be conducted precisely over the proposed wellhead and at four reference sites 1000m and 2500m up and downstream of major NE-SW current patterns. Descriptions were generalised for each site, and benthos densities approximated from visual references. Dive video was used primarily to provide quantitative data, while photographic records were used to provide qualitative data. These distinctions are reflected in the descriptions of each of the surveys.